Monday, December 9, 2013

Get Rewards for Inviting New Patients to an Oakville Dental Practice

Oakville Dental Arts has always been grateful for your help in bringing new patients to our office. As a way of thanking you, we are giving away special gifts to those who continue to encourage friends and family to try quality treatments from our skilled team of Oakville dental specialists. For a single referral, we are giving you two free movie passes, and for two referrals, a $25 Starbucks gift card. Three referrals will earn you a $50 gift card from Paradiso Restaurant, but if you’ve referred four—get a whopping $100 Oakville Place gift certificate! Each of our offices run by Dr. Arun Narang and Associates in Mississauga and Oakville is giving referral cards, so you can get these for distributing to your relatives and colleagues. Everyone wants to enjoy a perfect set of teeth. Keeping your teeth in check requires a dedicated effort—from brushing after every meal to having regular checkups or treatments with a local dentist.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What an Oakville Dentist Suggests for Combating Plaque Buildup

"An article by Dr. Matthew Hoffman for discusses the causes, effect, development, and solution for plaque buildup. According to Hoffman, plaque is a breeding ground for acid-producing bacteria that cause the teeth to corrode or decay. If left unattended, the decay can develop into various dental diseases; such as, swollen gums and/or gingivitis, as well as cavities. Having a plaque-free set of teeth greatly benefits people living in Oakville, a town frequently visited by tourists for its many natural attractions. The locals here make sure to greet tourists with their innate hospitality and vibrant smiles. An Oakville dentist recommends regular brushing and flossing to keep those teeth clean and healthy, resulting in a better smile. Brushing and flossing are basic practices that promote oral hygiene and keep the teeth safe from dental disease."